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Coating Core Components, Lithium-Ion Battery Coating, Pan Semiconductor Coating, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Coating, Ultrasonic Surface Density Measurement Gauge
- Ultrasonic Surface Density Measurement GaugeWhen ultrasonic waves penetrate a medium, part of the sound wave isabsorbed by the medium. Resulting in the penetration of the mediumafter the intensity of the sound wave relative to the intensity of theincident acoustic wave has a certain attenuation. The attenuation ratioand the surface density of the penetrated medium have a negativeexponential relationship. The surface density of the medium can bededuced from the attenuation of the acoustic wave intensity before andafter the acoustic wave penetrates the medium detected by thereceiving device.
- C-frame Ultrasonic Surface Density Measurement GaugeDetailed Introduction
- O-frame Ultrasonic Surface Density Measurement GaugeDetailed Introduction